Entries by ghughesdev

Do You Need a vCIO?

A Chief Information Officer is responsible for how an organization uses technology to further its goals. Towards that end they may study new technologies to determine how they might help, produce budgets for IT spending, oversee compliance efforts or cybersecurity initiatives, manageIT-adjacent vendor relationships and more. For small and medium businesses without a formal CIO […]

4 Practical Steps to Take When Hardware and Software Expire

When a software or hardware product reaches its End of Life (EoL) or End of Service (EoS), it’s no longer supported by the manufacturer. This can be a cause of concern for organizations like yours because unsupported technologies have no routine internal security measures or support from the manufacturer. The good news is that there […]

Tech Trends

Tech Trends Over the last few decades, technology has been a driving force in business transformation and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. The fact that direct digital transformation investments are projected to total $7 trillion between 2020 and 2023 demonstrates this for you. If want your firm to succeed, you must have the […]