Do You Need a vCIO?
A Chief Information Officer is responsible for how an organization uses technology to further its goals. Towards that end they may study new technologies to determine how they might help, produce budgets for IT spending, oversee compliance efforts or cybersecurity initiatives, manageIT-adjacent vendor relationships and more. For small and medium businesses without a formal CIO position, there are third-party vCIO services. These can be ongoing relationships or used for specific projects. Many of these services are provided by MSPs as they are best positioned to assume some of these responsibilities with little ramp-up time and they have the expertise needed already on staff.
In discussions with our clients, we have seen the need for some of these services are now in a place to begin to provide them. Our initial offering, based on some early feedback, is designed to provide some of the most essential services our clients might need. To provide further value, we are rolling out these services a la carte and, where possible, priced to fit the size of your organization. The initial service offering includes things like more comprehensive hardware and software management, budgeting, custom reporting, project planning and more frequent meeting cadences. We are also interested in what you would find valuable! If you would like to learn more about these services, or give us feedback on the services that would be most valuable to your organization, you can book some time with Eric Jahnke to discuss this new program. Your early feedback can help us shape this program to most suit your needs.